The Issues
Where is engineering analysis and simulation going to lead
our world in the next decade? Where should it be going, and
how will we all help get it there? What are the business,
technological, and human enablers that will carry the past
successful developments, applications, and business impact
of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) to higher plateaus
during the next decade and beyond?
The Event
NAFEMS, the premier global organization dedicated to the
advancement and improvement of engineering simulation, is
hosting the 2012 North America Conference just outside of
Washington D.C. on September 11-12, to bring together the
leading visionaries, developers, and practitioners of CAE-
related technologies and business processes to share
relevant trends and roadmaps, to explore common themes, and
to address these issues in an openforum. The Conference's
goal is to provide attendees with insightful content and
perspective on how to position their organizations to
realize the full potential of CAE now and in the future.
In addition to the two-day conference, NAFEMS will be the
also be running a number of short training courses on
September 10th (details below).
These courses will be led by Tony Abbey who has created and
taught a wide range of FEA based training classes over the
past 15 years. He has developed a reputation for providing
the student with an experience which draws on insight gained
through his extensive experience, but which also challenges
and motivates those involved. Tony has a wealth of
experience andhas been working with FEA for over 30 years,
both in Industry and for FEA software providers worldwide.
The Themes
There are many facets associated with maximizing the value
of using engineering analysis and simulation in addressing
the ever-increasingly complexity of products and their life
cycles. The 2012 North America Conference will include
keynote speakers, exhibits, and breakout sessions exploring
the following subjects:
- Commercial impact of CAE investments
Development and deployment of CAE roadmaps
Integration of simulation data within Product Lifecycle
Management (PLM)
The roles of CAE software and hardware developers
-Innovations in Simulation Technology ("the purpose of
computing is insight, not numbers")
High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems for CAE (further
synergies between hardware architectures, non-traditional
platforms, and software algorithms)
Capturing the relevant physics well enough to gain
engineering insight through multifunctional and multiphysics
Material characterizations including multiscale modeling
Driving design improvement and optimization from smart
Real-time virtual simulations
Design uncertainty quantifications and non-deterministic
Innovative approximation methods and evolutionary
- Engineering Simulation Processes
Experimental errors vs. CAE foibles - which data set do you
Regulatory affairs: Gaining acceptance of quality CAE data
in approval of products and designs
How to accomplish validation with complex systems
- Human Issues
Intelligent engineering collaboration environments
Teaching simulation as part of the basic engineering
Evolving engineering processes and organizations to leverage
CAE advances
- Futuristic Considerations
Simulation strategies and tools for "Emerging Complex
Adaptive Systems and Cyber - Physical Systems"
Intelligent interfaces for modeling and simulation software
Interactive, immersive 3D modeling and simulation
Potential of using Virtual and Augmented Reality, and
Virtual Worlds in engineering simulations
Why Should I Attend?
CAE end users, visionaries, researchers, educators, industry
managers, and CAE software and hardware developers, all have
relevant experience and viewpoints that can help shape the
future of CAE. All are invited to participate, but most
importantly to articulate, interact, and evolve their
thinking and planning of future activities proactively, so
as to incorporate all the ingredients necessary to maximize
the impact of CAE in tomorrow's product design environment.
The event is open to both members and non-members of NAFEMS.
Members with sufficient seminar credits* may be able to
attend this event for free otherwise the following rates
Members with seminar credits
Members without seminar credits
*4 seminar credits are required to attend this event.
Sampler Courses
On September 10th, NAFEMS will be pleased to offer several
'sampler' courses as part of the 2012 conference. Each of
these courses will provide an introduction to the the topic
area and will be free to attend for NAFEMS members with
sufficient seminar credits (0.5 credits per sampler course).
Non-members and those without seminar credits can attend for
$75 per sampler course.
These courses will be led by Tony Abbey who has created and
taught a wide range of FEA based training classes over the
past 15 years. Tony has a wealth of experience and has been
working with FEA for over 30 years, both in Industry and for
FEA software providers worldwide.
Further information will be available in due course.