Links - Online Tools
This section provides a selection of the most useful online calculators for
people working with CFD.
To suggest a link to be included in this section please use
the online
link suggestion form. You are of
course also welcome to contact us directly via email at
Unit Converters
- Unit Conversion Calculator
- A fairly complete unit converter in javascript that is easy to use.
Calculator (click to open a small new window)
- A scientific RPN calculator written in JavaScript. Has a clean interface
and many functions. Use it whenever you haven't got your HP around.
- Scientific
Calculator (click to open a small new window)
- A scientific calculator written in JavaScript. Works well for those of
you who don't like reverse polish notation.
- Calculatur Pi
- A nice scientific calculator that creates a sequence of your calculations that can be used later or printed afterwards.
y+ Estimation
- y+ Estimation
- Estimates the wall distance needed to obtain a desired y+ value. Uses free-steam velocity and gas-data and works well for both incompressible and compressibe flows.
- Viscous Grid Spacing
- A JavaScript that helps you to estimate at what normal distance from a
wall you should place your first grid-line. This is one of those wonderful
little tools that saves you from learning a formula! Mainly suited for compressible flows.
Compressible Flow
- Compressible Aerodynamics Calculator
- A JavaScript to compute standard relations for compressible flow of a perfect
gas. Five sets of relations are included; isentropic flow, normal shocks
and oblique shocks, Fanno Flow and Rayleigh Flow . Written by William Devenport.
You can find more applets at their
engAPPLETS site.
Heat Transfer
- The Thermal Wizard
- A very nice collection of online calculators provided by Maya Heat Transfer
Technologies. The main focus is on heat transfer applications - conduction,
convection and radiation in simple geometries. You can also find material
data, a unit converter and a few simple head-loss computations.
- Heat Transfer Between Two Co-annular Pipes
- Computes the 1D radial heat transfer between two co-annular gas streams. The user selects gases,
the wall type between the pipes, pipe radii and flow properties (mass-flow, temperature and pressure). The tool
accounts for both convection and radiation (gas and soot).
Airfoil Generators
For general information and airfoil links see the
References > Airfoils section.
- JavaFoil
- An applet that can generate and analyze a large number of different airfoils, including NACA 4,5 and 6 series. A very nice tool written by Dr. Martin Hepperle.
- NACA 4 & 5 series Profile Generators
- Simple applets written by Jens Trapp.
- An interactive WWW version of PROFOIL - a low-speed airfoil inverse
design code by Michael S. Selig.
Simple Cases, Pipes, Channels etc.
- Pipes, Channels, Hydrology, Groundwater, Tank volume and more
- Many small java-applets from LMNO Engineering. You have to pay a fee to
get access to all but there are many free calculators also. Nice.
- Pipe Flow Calculations
- A large collection of free tools for pipe flow. This site has been
online for many years and it gets better and better. It is a bit too
filled with Google ads and this makes it a bit confusing to browse,
but it is still a very good resource if you are looking for pipe
- Combustion Tool
- Computes the mixing and combustion of two gas streams. Both complete combustion and chemical equilibrium applying the NASA method are calculated.
Fluids, massflows, temperatures and pressure are input data. User-defined fluids using a species database (NASA polynomials).
Computes exit species and temperature. Results can be download also in pdf and csv format.
Cycles and Processes
- Power Cycle Analysis Online Calculator
- Computes efficiencies etc. for various thermodynamic cycles - Carnot cycle,
Brayton cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, Magentohydrodanmics ... Provided
by Engineering Software
as a part of their Free Online Calculators section.
- Power Cycle Components/Processes Online Calculator
- Simple calculators for the following basic cycle components: isentropic
compression, stoichiometric combustion (Coal/Oil and Gas) and isentropic
expansion. Provided by
Engineering Software
as a part of their
Free Online Calculators section.