Code: Lid driven cavity using pressure free velocity form
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Lid-driven cavity using pressure-free velocity formulation
%LDCW LID-DRIVEN CAVITY % Finite element solution of the 2D Navier-Stokes equation using 4-node, 12 DOF, % (3-DOF/node), simple-cubic-derived rectangular Hermite basis for % the Lid-Driven Cavity problem. % % This could also be characterized as a VELOCITY-STREAM FUNCTION or % STREAM FUNCTION-VELOCITY method. % % Reference: "A Hermite finite element method for incompressible fluid flow", % Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 64, P376-408 (2010). % % Simplified Wiki version % The rectangular problem domain is defined between Cartesian % coordinates Xmin & Xmax and Ymin & Ymax. % The computational grid has NumEx elements in the x-direction % and NumEy elements in the y-direction. % The nodes and elements are numbered column-wise from the % upper left corner to the lower right corner. % %This script calls the user-defined functions: % regrade - to regrade the mesh % DMatW - to evaluate element diffusion matrix % CMatW - to evaluate element convection matrix % GetPresW - to evaluate the pressure % ilu_gmres_with_EBC - to solve the system with essential/Dirichlet BCs % % Jonas Holdeman August 2007, revised June 2011 clear all; disp('Lid-driven cavity'); disp(' Four-node, 12 DOF, simple-cubic stream function basis.'); % ------------------------------------------------------------- nd = 3; nd2=nd*nd; % Number of DOF per node - do not change!! % ------------------------------------------------------------- ETstart=clock; % Parameters for GMRES solver GMRES.Tolerance=1.e-14; GMRES.MaxIterates=20; GMRES.MaxRestarts=6; % Optimal relaxation parameters for given Reynolds number % (see IJNMF reference) % Re 100 1000 3200 5000 7500 10000 12500 % RelxFac: 1.04 1.11 .860 .830 .780 .778 .730 % ExpCR1 1.488 .524 .192 .0378 -- -- -- % ExpCRO 1.624 .596 .390 .331 .243 .163 .133 % CritFac: 1.82 1.49 1.14 1.027 .942 .877 .804 % Define the problem geometry, set mesh bounds: Xmin = 0.0; Xmax = 1.0; Ymin = 0.0; Ymax = 1.0; % Set mesh grading parameters (set to 1 if no grading). % See below for explanation of use of parameters. xgrd = .75; ygrd=.75; % (xgrd = 1, ygrd=1 for uniform mesh) % Set " RefineBoundary=1 " for additional refinement at boundary, % i.e., split first element along boundary into two. RefineBoundary=1; % DEFINE THE MESH % Set number of elements in each direction NumEx = 16; NumEy = NumEx; % PLEASE CHANGE OR SET NUMBER OF ELEMENTS TO CHANGE/SET NUMBER OF NODES! NumNx=NumEx+1; NumNy=NumEy+1; % Define problem parameters: % Lid velocity Vlid=1.; % Reynolds number Re=1000.; % factor for under/over-relaxation starting at iteration RelxStrt RelxFac = 1.; % % Number of nonlinear iterations MaxNLit=10; % %-------------------------------------------------------- % Viscosity for specified Reynolds number nu=Vlid*(Xmax-Xmin)/Re; % Grade the mesh spacing if desired, call regrade(x,agrd,e). % if e=0: refine both sides, 1: refine upper, 2: refine lower % if agrd=xgrd|ygrd is the parameter which controls grading, then % if agrd=1 then leave array unaltered. % if agrd<1 then refine (make finer) towards the ends % if agrd>1 then refine (make finer) towards the center. % % Generate equally-spaced nodal coordinates and refine if desired. if (RefineBoundary==1) XNc=linspace(Xmin,Xmax,NumNx-2); XNc=[XNc(1),(.62*XNc(1)+.38*XNc(2)),XNc(2:end-1),(.38*XNc(end-1)+.62*XNc(end)),XNc(end)]; YNc=linspace(Ymax,Ymin,NumNy-2); YNc=[YNc(1),(.62*YNc(1)+.38*YNc(2)),YNc(2:end-1),(.38*YNc(end-1)+.62*YNc(end)),YNc(end)]; else XNc=linspace(Xmin,Xmax,NumNx); YNc=linspace(Ymax,Ymin,NumNy); end if xgrd ~= 1 XNc=regrade(XNc,xgrd,0); end; % Refine mesh if desired if ygrd ~= 1 YNc=regrade(YNc,ygrd,0); end; [Xgrid,Ygrid]=meshgrid(XNc,YNc);% Generate the x- and y-coordinate meshes. % Allocate storage for fields psi0=zeros(NumNy,NumNx); u0=zeros(NumNy,NumNx); v0=zeros(NumNy,NumNx); %--------------------Begin grid plot----------------------- % ********************** FIGURE 1 ************************* % Plot the grid figure(1); clf; orient portrait; orient tall; subplot(2,2,1); hold on; plot([Xmax;Xmin],[YNc;YNc],'k'); plot([XNc;XNc],[Ymax;Ymin],'k'); hold off; axis([Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax]); axis equal; axis image; title([num2str(NumNx) 'x' num2str(NumNy) ... ' node mesh for Lid-driven cavity']); pause(.1); %-------------- End plotting Figure 1 ---------------------- %Contour levels, Ghia, Ghia & Shin, Re=100, 400, 1000, 3200, ... clGGS=[-.1175,-.1150,-.11,-.1,-.09,-.07,-.05,-.03,-.01,-1.e-4,-1.e-5,-1.e-7,-1.e-10,... 1.e-8,1.e-7,1.e-6,1.e-5,5.e-5,1.e-4,2.5e-4,5.e-4,1.e-3,1.5e-3,3.e-3]; CL=clGGS; % Select contour level option if (Vlid<0) CL=-CL; end NumNod=NumNx*NumNy; % total number of nodes MaxDof=nd*NumNod; % maximum number of degrees of freedom EBC.Mxdof=nd*NumNod; % maximum number of degrees of freedom nn2nft=zeros(2,NumNod); % node number -> nf & nt NodNdx=zeros(2,NumNod); % Generate lists of active nodal indices, freedom number & type ni=0; nf=-nd+1; nt=1; % ________ for nx=1:NumNx % | | for ny=1:NumNy % | | ni=ni+1; % |________| NodNdx(:,ni)=[nx;ny]; nf=nf+nd; % all nodes have 4 dofs nn2nft(:,ni)=[nf;nt]; % dof number & type (all nodes type 1) end; end; %NumNod=ni; % total number of nodes nf2nnt=zeros(2,MaxDof); % (node, type) associated with dof ndof=0; dd=[1:nd]; for n=1:NumNod for k=1:nd nf2nnt(:,ndof+k)=[n;k]; end ndof=ndof+nd; end NumEl=NumEx*NumEy; % Generate element connectivity, from upper left to lower right. Elcon=zeros(4,NumEl); ne=0; LY=NumNy; for nx=1:NumEx for ny=1:NumEy ne=ne+1; Elcon(1,ne)=1+ny+(nx-1)*LY; Elcon(2,ne)=1+ny+nx*LY; Elcon(3,ne)=1+(ny-1)+nx*LY; Elcon(4,ne)=1+(ny-1)+(nx-1)*LY; end % loop on ny end % loop on nx % Begin essential boundary conditions, allocate space MaxEBC = nd*2*(NumNx+NumNy-2); EBC.dof=zeros(MaxEBC,1); % Degree-of-freedom index EBC.typ=zeros(MaxEBC,1); % Dof type (1,2,3) EBC.val=zeros(MaxEBC,1); % Dof value X1=XNc(2); X2=XNc(NumNx-1); nc=0; for nf=1:MaxDof ni=nf2nnt(1,nf); nx=NodNdx(1,ni); ny=NodNdx(2,ni); x=XNc(nx); y=YNc(ny); if(x==Xmin | x==Xmax | y==Ymin) nt=nf2nnt(2,nf); switch nt; case {1, 2, 3} nc=nc+1; EBC.typ(nc)=nt; EBC.dof(nc)=nf; EBC.val(nc)=0; % psi, u, v end % switch (type) elseif (y==Ymax) nt=nf2nnt(2,nf); switch nt; case {1, 3} nc=nc+1; EBC.typ(nc)=nt; EBC.dof(nc)=nf; EBC.val(nc)=0; % psi, v case 2 nc=nc+1; EBC.typ(nc)=nt; EBC.dof(nc)=nf; EBC.val(nc)=Vlid; % u end % switch (type) end % if (boundary) end % for nf EBC.num=nc; if (size(EBC.typ,1)>nc) % Truncate arrays if necessary EBC.typ=EBC.typ(1:nc); EBC.dof=EBC.dof(1:nc); EBC.val=EBC.val(1:nc); end % End ESSENTIAL (Dirichlet) boundary conditions % partion out essential (Dirichlet) dofs p_vec = [1:EBC.Mxdof]'; % List of all dofs EBC.p_vec_undo = zeros(1,EBC.Mxdof); % form a list of non-diri dofs EBC.ndro = p_vec(~ismember(p_vec, EBC.dof)); % list of non-diri dofs % calculate p_vec_undo to restore Q to the original dof ordering EBC.p_vec_undo([EBC.ndro;EBC.dof]) = [1:EBC.Mxdof]; %p_vec'; Q=zeros(MaxDof,1); % Allocate space for solution (dof) vector % Initialize fields to boundary conditions for k=1:EBC.num Q(EBC.dof(k))=EBC.val(k); end; errpsi=zeros(NumNy,NumNx); % error correct for iteration MxNL=max(1,MaxNLit); np0=zeros(1,MxNL); % Arrays for convergence info nv0=zeros(1,MxNL); Qs=[]; Dmat = spalloc(MaxDof,MaxDof,36*MaxDof); % to save the diffusion matrix Vdof=zeros(nd,4); Xe=zeros(2,4); % coordinates of element corners NLitr=0; ND=1:nd; while (NLitr<MaxNLit), NLitr=NLitr+1; % <<< BEGIN NONLINEAR ITERATION tclock=clock; % Start assembly time <<<<<<<<< % Generate and assemble element matrices Mat=spalloc(MaxDof,MaxDof,36*MaxDof); RHS=spalloc(MaxDof,1,MaxDof); %RHS = zeros(MaxDof,1); Emat=zeros(1,16*nd2); % Values 144=4*4*(nd*nd) % BEGIN GLOBAL MATRIX ASSEMBLY for ne=1:NumEl for k=1:4 ki=NodNdx(:,Elcon(k,ne)); Xe(:,k)=[XNc(ki(1));YNc(ki(2))]; end if NLitr == 1 % Fluid element diffusion matrix, save on first iteration [DEmat,Rndx,Cndx] = DMatW(Xe,Elcon(:,ne),nn2nft); Dmat=Dmat+sparse(Rndx,Cndx,DEmat,MaxDof,MaxDof); % Global diffusion mat end if (NLitr>1) % Get stream function and velocities for n=1:4 Vdof(ND,n)=Q((nn2nft(1,Elcon(n,ne))-1)+ND); % Loop over local element nodes end % Fluid element convection matrix, first iteration uses Stokes equation. [Emat,Rndx,Cndx] = CMatW(Xe,Elcon(:,ne),nn2nft,Vdof); Mat=Mat+sparse(Rndx,Cndx,-Emat,MaxDof,MaxDof); % Global convection assembly end end; % loop ne over elements % END GLOBAL MATRIX ASSEMBLY Mat = Mat -nu*Dmat; % Add in cached/saved global diffusion matrix disp(['(' num2str(NLitr) ') Matrix assembly complete, elapsed time = '... num2str(etime(clock,tclock)) ' sec']); % Assembly time <<<<<<<<<<< pause(1); Q0 = Q; % Save dof values % Solve system tclock=clock; %disp('start solution'); % Start solution time <<<<<<<<<<<<<< RHSr=RHS(EBC.ndro)-Mat(EBC.ndro,EBC.dof)*EBC.val; Matr=Mat(EBC.ndro,EBC.ndro); Qs=Q(EBC.ndro); Qr=ilu_gmres_with_EBC(Matr,RHSr,[],GMRES,Qs); Q=[Qr;EBC.val]; % Augment active dofs with esential (Dirichlet) dofs Q=Q(EBC.p_vec_undo); % Restore natural order stime=etime(clock,tclock); % Solution time <<<<<<<<<<<<<< % ****** APPLY RELAXATION FACTOR ********************* if(NLitr>1) Q=RelxFac*Q+(1-RelxFac)*Q0; end % **************************************************** % Compute change and copy dofs to field arrays dsqp=0; dsqv=0; for k=1:MaxDof ni=nf2nnt(1,k); nx=NodNdx(1,ni); ny=NodNdx(2,ni); switch nf2nnt(2,k) % switch on dof type case 1 dsqp=dsqp+(Q(k)-Q0(k))^2; psi0(ny,nx)=Q(k); errpsi(ny,nx)=Q0(k)-Q(k); case 2 dsqv=dsqv+(Q(k)-Q0(k))^2; u0(ny,nx)=Q(k); case 3 dsqv=dsqv+(Q(k)-Q0(k))^2; v0(ny,nx)=Q(k); end % switch on dof type end % for np0(NLitr)=sqrt(dsqp); nv0(NLitr)=sqrt(dsqv); if (np0(NLitr)<=1e-15|nv0(NLitr)<=1e-15) MaxNLit=NLitr; np0=np0(1:MaxNLit); nv0=nv0(1:MaxNLit); end; disp(['(' num2str(NLitr) ') Solution time for linear system = '... num2str(etime(clock,tclock)) ' sec']); % Solution time <<<<<<<<<<<< %---------- Begin plot of intermediate results ---------- % ********************** FIGURE 2 ************************* figure(1); % Stream function (intermediate) subplot(2,2,3); contour(Xgrid,Ygrid,psi0,8,'k'); % Plot contours (trajectories) axis([Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax]); title(['Lid-driven cavity, Re=' num2str(Re)]); axis equal; axis image; % Plot convergence info subplot(2,2,2); semilogy(1:NLitr,nv0(1:NLitr),'k-+',1:NLitr,np0(1:NLitr),'k-o'); xlabel('Nonlinear iteration number'); ylabel('Nonlinear correction'); axis square; title(['Iteration conv., Re=' num2str(Re)]); legend('U','Psi'); % Plot nonlinear iteration correction contours subplot(2,2,4); contour(Xgrid,Ygrid,errpsi,8,'k'); % Plot contours (trajectories) axis([Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax]); axis equal; axis image; title(['Iteration correction']); pause(1); % ********************** END FIGURE 2 ************************* %---------- End plot of intermediate results --------- if (nv0(NLitr)<1e-15) break; end % Terminate iteration if non-significant end; % <<< (while) END NONLINEAR ITERATION format short g; disp('Convergence results by iteration: velocity, stream function'); disp(['nv0: ' num2str(nv0)]); disp(['np0: ' num2str(np0)]); % >>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEGIN PRESSURE RECOVERY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< % Essential pressure boundary condition % Index of node to apply pressure BC, value at node PBCnx=fix((NumNx+1)/2); % Apply at center of mesh PBCny=fix((NumNy+1)/2); PBCnod=0; for k=1:NumNod if (NodNdx(1,k)==PBCnx & NodNdx(2,k)==PBCny) PBCnod=k; break; end end if (PBCnod==0) error('Pressure BC node not found'); else EBCp.nodn = [PBCnod]; % Pressure BC node number EBCp.val = [0]; % set P = 0. end % Cubic pressure [P,Px,Py] = GetPresW(NumNod,NodNdx,Elcon,nn2nft,Xgrid,Ygrid,Q,EBCp,nu); % ******************** END PRESSURE RECOVERY ********************* % ********************** CONTINUE FIGURE 1 ************************* figure(1); % Stream function (final) subplot(2,2,3); [CT,hn]=contour(Xgrid,Ygrid,psi0,CL,'k'); % Plot contours (trajectories) clabel(CT,hn,CL([1,3,5,7,9,10,11,19,23])); hold on; plot([Xmin,Xmin,Xmax,Xmax,Xmin],[Ymax,Ymin,Ymin,Ymax,Ymax],'k'); hold off; axis([Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax]); axis equal; axis image; title(['Stream lines, ' num2str(NumNx) 'x' num2str(NumNy) ... ' mesh, Re=' num2str(Re)]); % Plot pressure contours (final) subplot(2,2,4); CPL=[-.002,0,.02,.05,.07,.09,.11,.12,.17,.3]; [CT,hn]=contour(Xgrid,Ygrid,P,CPL,'k'); % Plot pressure contours clabel(CT,hn,CPL([3,5,7,10])); hold on; plot([Xmin,Xmin,Xmax,Xmax,Xmin],[Ymax,Ymin,Ymin,Ymax,Ymax],'k'); hold off; axis([Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax]); axis equal; axis image; title(['Simple cubic pressure contours, Re=' num2str(Re)]); % ********************* END FIGURE 1 ************************* disp(['Total elapsed time = '... num2str(etime(clock,ETstart)/60) ' min']); % Elapsed time from start <<<
function [Dm,RowNdx,ColNdx]=DMatW(Xe,Elcon,nn2nft) %DMATW - Returns the affine-mapped element diffusion matrix for the simple cubic Hermite % basis functions on 4-node straight-sided quadrilateral elements with 3 DOF % per node using Gauss quadrature on the reference square and row/col indices. % % Cubic-complete, fully-conforming, divergence-free, Hermite basis % functions on 4-node rectangular elements with 3 DOF per node using % Gauss quadrature on the 2x2 reference square. % The assumed nodal numbering starts with 1 at the lower left corner % of the element and proceeds counter-clockwise around the element. % Uses second derivatives of stream function. % % Usage: % [Dm,Rndx,Cndx] = DMatW(Xe,Elcon,nn2nft) % Xe(1,:) - x-coordinates of corner nodes of element. % Xe(2,:) - y-coordinates of corner nodes of element. % and shape of the element. It is constant for affine elements. % Elcon - connectivity matrix for this element. % nn2nft - global number and type of DOF at each node % % Jonas Holdeman, August 2007, revised June 2011 % Constants and fixed data nd = 3; nd4=4*nd; ND=1:nd; % nd = number of dofs per node, nn=[-1 -1; 1 -1; 1 1; -1 1]; % defines local nodal order % Define 4-point quadrature data once, on first call. % Gaussian weights and absissas to integrate 7th degree polynomials exactly. global GQ4; if (isempty(GQ4)) % Define 4-point quadrature data once, on first call. Aq=[-.861136311594053,-.339981043584856,.339981043584856, .861136311594053]; %Abs Hq=[ .347854845137454, .652145154862546,.652145154862546, .347854845137454]; %Wts GQ4.size=16; GQ4.xa=[Aq;Aq;Aq;Aq]; GQ4.ya=GQ4.xa'; wt=[Hq;Hq;Hq;Hq]; GQ4.wt=wt.*wt'; end xa=GQ4.xa; ya=GQ4.ya; wt=GQ4.wt; Nq=GQ4.size; % ----------------------------------------------- global Zs3412d2; if (isempty(Zs3412d2)|size(Zs3412d2,2)~=Nq) % Evaluate and save/cache the set of shape functions at quadrature pts. Zs3412d2=cell(4,Nq); for k=1:Nq for m=1:4 Zs3412d2{m,k}=D3s(nn(m,:),xa(k),ya(k)); end end end % if(isempty(*)) % --------------- End fixed data ---------------- Ti=cell(4); for m=1:4 Jt=Xe*GBL(nn(:,:),nn(m,1),nn(m,2)); % transpose of Jacobian at node m JtiD=[Jt(2,2),-Jt(1,2); -Jt(2,1),Jt(1,1)]; % det(J)*inv(Jt) Ti{m}=blkdiag(1,JtiD); end % Move Jacobian evaluation inside k-loop for general convex quadrilateral. % Jt=[x_q, x_r; y_q, y_r]; Dm=zeros(nd4,nd4); Sx=zeros(2,nd4); Sy=zeros(2,nd4); % Pre-allocate arrays for k=1:Nq Jt=Xe*GBL(nn(:,:),xa(k),ya(k)); % transpose of Jacobian at (xa,ya) Det=Jt(1,1)*Jt(2,2)-Jt(1,2)*Jt(2,1); % Determinant of Jt & J TL=[Jt(2,2)^2, -2*Jt(2,1)*Jt(2,2), Jt(2,1)^2; ... -Jt(1,2)*Jt(2,2), Jt(1,1)*Jt(2,2)+Jt(2,1)*Jt(1,2), -Jt(1,1)*Jt(2,1); ... Jt(1,2)^2, -2*Jt(1,1)*Jt(1,2), Jt(1,1)^2]/Det^2; % Initialize functions and derivatives at the quadrature point (xa,ya). for m=1:4 mm=nd*(m-1); Ds = TL*Zs3412d2{m,k}*Ti{m}; Sx(:,mm+ND) = [Ds(2,:); -Ds(1,:)]; % [Pyx, -Pxx] Sy(:,mm+ND) = [Ds(3,:); -Ds(2,:)]; % [Pyy, -Pxy] end % loop m Dm = Dm+(Sx'*Sx+Sy'*Sy)*(wt(k)*Det); end % end loop k over quadrature points gf=zeros(nd4,1); m=0; for n=1:4 % Loop over element nodes gf(m+ND)=(nn2nft(1,Elcon(n))-1)+ND; % Get global freedoms m=m+nd; end RowNdx=repmat(gf,1,nd4); % Row indices ColNdx=RowNdx'; % Col indices Dm = reshape(Dm,nd4*nd4,1); RowNdx=reshape(RowNdx,nd4*nd4,1); ColNdx=reshape(ColNdx,nd4*nd4,1); return; % ------------------------------------------------------------------- function P2=D3s(ni,q,r) % Second derivatives [Pxx; Pxy; Pyy] of simple cubic stream function. qi=ni(1); q0=q*ni(1); q1=1+q0; ri=ni(2); r0=r*ni(2); r1=1+r0; P2=[-.75*qi^2*(r0+1)*q0, 0, -.25*qi*(r0+1)*(3*q0+1); ... .125*qi*ri*(4-3*(q^2+r^2)), .125*qi*(r0+1)*(3*r0-1), ... -.125*ri*(q0+1)*(3*q0-1); -.75*ri^2*(q0+1)*r0, .25*ri*(q0+1)*(3*r0+1), 0] ; return; function G=GBL(ni,q,r) % Transposed gradient (derivatives) of scalar bilinear mapping function. % The parameter ni can be a vector of coordinate pairs. G=[.25*ni(:,1).*(1+ni(:,2).*r), .25*ni(:,2).*(1+ni(:,1).*q)]; return;
function [Cm,RowNdx,ColNdx]=CMatW(Xe,Elcon,nn2nft,Vdof) %CMATW - Returns the affine-mapped element convection matrix for the simple cubic Hermite % basis functions on 4-node straight-sided quadrilateral elements with 3 DOF % per node using Gauss quadrature on the reference square and row/col indices. % The columns of the array Vdof must contain the 3 nodal degree-of-freedom % vectors in the proper nodal order. % The degrees of freedom in Vdof are the stream function and the two components % u and v of the solenoidal velocity vector. % The assumed nodal numbering starts with 1 at the lower left corner of the % element and proceeds counter-clockwise around the element. % % Usage: % [CM,Rndx,Cndx] = CMatW(Xe,Elcon,nn2nft,Vdof) % Xe(1,:) - x-coordinates of corner nodes of element. % Xe(2,:) - y-coordinates of corner nodes of element. % Elcon - this element connectivity matrix % nn2nft - global number and type of DOF at each node % Vdof - (3x4) array of stream function, velocity components, and second % stream function derivatives to specify the velocity over the element. % % Jonas Holdeman, August 2007, revised June 2011 % Constants and fixed data nd = 3; nd4=4*nd; ND=1:nd; % nd = number of dofs per node, nn=[-1 -1; 1 -1; 1 1; -1 1]; % defines local nodal order % Define 5-point quadrature data once, on first call. % Gaussian weights and absissas to integrate 9th degree polynomials exactly. global GQ5; if (isempty(GQ5)) % 5-point quadrature data defined? If not, define arguments & weights. Aq=[-.906179845938664,-.538469310105683, .0, .538469310105683, .906179845938664]; Hq=[ .236926885056189, .478628670499366, .568888888888889, .478628670499366, .236926885056189]; GQ5.size=25; GQ5.xa=[Aq;Aq;Aq;Aq;Aq]; GQ5.ya=GQ5.xa'; wt=[Hq;Hq;Hq;Hq;Hq]; GQ5.wt=wt.*wt'; end xa=GQ5.xa; ya=GQ5.ya; wt=GQ5.wt; Nq=GQ5.size; % Use GQ5 (5x5) for exact integration % ----------------------------------------------- global Zs3412D2c; global ZS3412c; if (isempty(ZS3412c)|isempty(Zs3412D2c)|size(Zs3412D2c,2)~=Nq) % Evaluate and save/cache the set of shape functions at quadrature pts. Zs3412D2c=cell(4,Nq); ZS3412c=cell(4,Nq); for k=1:Nq for m=1:4 ZS3412c{m,k}= Sr(nn(m,:),xa(k),ya(k)); Zs3412D2c{m,k}=D3s(nn(m,:),xa(k),ya(k)); end end end % if(isempty(*)) % --------------- End fixed data ---------------- Ti=cell(4); % for m=1:4 Jt=Xe*GBL(nn(:,:),nn(m,1),nn(m,2)); JtiD=[Jt(2,2),-Jt(1,2); -Jt(2,1),Jt(1,1)]; % det(J)*inv(J) Ti{m}=blkdiag(1,JtiD); end % Move Jacobian evaluation inside k-loop for general convex quadrilateral. % Jt=[x_q, x_r; y_q, y_r]; Cm=zeros(nd4,nd4); Rcm=zeros(nd4,1); S=zeros(2,nd4); Sx=zeros(2,nd4); Sy=zeros(2,nd4); % Pre-allocate arrays % Begin loop over Gauss-Legendre quadrature points. for k=1:Nq Jt=Xe*GBL(nn(:,:),xa(k),ya(k)); % transpose of Jacobian at (xa,ya) Det=Jt(1,1)*Jt(2,2)-Jt(1,2)*Jt(2,1); % Determinant of Jt & J Jtd=Jt/Det; TL=[Jt(2,2)^2, -2*Jt(2,1)*Jt(2,2), Jt(2,1)^2; ... -Jt(1,2)*Jt(2,2), Jt(1,1)*Jt(2,2)+Jt(2,1)*Jt(1,2), -Jt(1,1)*Jt(2,1); ... Jt(1,2)^2, -2*Jt(1,1)*Jt(1,2), Jt(1,1)^2 ]/Det^2; % Initialize functions and derivatives at the quadrature point (xa,ya). for m=1:4 mm=nd*(m-1); S(:,mm+ND) = Jtd*ZS3412c{m,k}*Ti{m}; Ds = TL*Zs3412D2c{m,k}*Ti{m}; Sx(:,mm+ND) = [Ds(2,:); -Ds(1,:)]; % [Pyx, -Pxx] Sy(:,mm+ND) = [Ds(3,:); -Ds(2,:)]; % [Pyy, -Pxy] end % loop m % Compute the fluid velocity at the quadrature point. U = S*Vdof(:); % Submatrix ordered by psi,u,v Cm = Cm + S'*(U(1)*Sx+U(2)*Sy)*(wt(k)*Det); end % end loop k over quadrature points gf=zeros(nd4,1); m=0; for n=1:4 % Loop over element nodes gf(m+ND)=(nn2nft(1,Elcon(n))-1)+ND; % Get global freedoms m=m+nd; end RowNdx=repmat(gf,1,nd4); % Row indices ColNdx=RowNdx'; % Col indices Cm = reshape(Cm,nd4*nd4,1); RowNdx=reshape(RowNdx,nd4*nd4,1); ColNdx=reshape(ColNdx,nd4*nd4,1); return; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function P2=D3s(ni,q,r) % Second derivatives [Pxx; Pxy; Pyy] of simple cubic stream function. qi=ni(1); q0=q*ni(1); q1=1+q0; ri=ni(2); r0=r*ni(2); r1=1+r0; P2=[-.75*qi^2*(r0+1)*q0, 0, -.25*qi*(r0+1)*(3*q0+1); ... .125*qi*ri*(4-3*(q^2+r^2)), .125*qi*(r0+1)*(3*r0-1), -.125*ri*(q0+1)*(3*q0-1); ... -.75*ri^2*(q0+1)*r0, .25*ri*(q0+1)*(3*r0+1), 0] ; return; function S=Sr(ni,q,r) %S Array of solenoidal basis functions on rectangle. qi=ni(1); q0=q*ni(1); q1=1+q0; ri=ni(2); r0=r*ni(2); r1=1+r0; % array of solenoidal vectors S=[ .125*ri*q1*(q0*(1-q0)+3*(1-r^2)), .125*q1*r1*(3*r0-1), .125*ri/qi*q1^2*(1-q0); ... -.125*qi*r1*(r0*(1-r0)+3*(1-q^2)), .125*qi/ri*r1^2*(1-r0), .125*q1*r1*(3*q0-1)]; return; function G=GBL(ni,q,r) % Transposed gradient (derivatives) of scalar bilinear mapping function. % The parameter ni can be a vector of coordinate pairs. G=[.25*ni(:,1).*(1+ni(:,2).*r), .25*ni(:,2).*(1+ni(:,1).*q)]; return;
function [P,Px,Py] = GetPresW(NumNod,NodNdx,Elcon,nn2nft,Xgrid,Ygrid,Q,EBCPr,nu) %GETPRESW - Compute continuous simple cubic pressure and derivatives from (simple-cubic) % velocity field on general quadrilateral grid (bilinear geometric mapping). % % Inputs % NumNod - number of nodes % NodNdx - nodal index into Xgrid and Ygrid % Elcon - element connectivity, nodes in element % nn2nft - global number and type of (non-pressure) DOF at each node % Xgrid - array of nodal x-coordinates % Ygrid - array of nodal y-coordinates % Q - array of DOFs for cubic velocity elements % EBCp - essential pressure boundary condition structure % EBCp.nodn - node number of fixed pressure node % EBCp.val - value of pressure % nu - diffusion coefficient % Outputs % P - pressure % Px - x-derivative of pressure % Py - y-derivative of pressure % Uses % ilu_gmres_with_EBC - to solve the system with essential/Dirichlet BCs % GQ3, GQ4, GQ5 - quadrature rules. % Jonas Holdeman, January 2007, revised June 2011 % Constants and fixed data nn=[-1 -1; 1 -1; 1 1; -1 1]; % defines local nodal order nnd = 4; % Number of nodes in elements nd = 3; ND=1:nd; % Number DOFs in velocity fns (bicubic-derived) np = 3; % Number DOFs in pressure fns (simple cubic) % Parameters for GMRES solver GMRES.Tolerance=1.e-9; GMRES.MaxIterates=8; GMRES.MaxRestarts=6; DropTol = 1e-7; % Drop tolerence for ilu preconditioner % Define 3-point quadrature data once, on first call (if needed). % Gaussian weights and absissas to integrate 5th degree polynomials exactly. global GQ3; if (isempty(GQ3)) % Define 3-point quadrature data once, on first call. Aq=[-.774596669241483, .000000000000000,.774596669241483]; %Abs Hq=[ .555555555555556, .888888888888889,.555555555555556]; %Wts GQ3.size=9; GQ3.xa=[Aq;Aq;Aq]; GQ3.ya=GQ3.xa'; wt=[Hq;Hq;Hq]; GQ3.wt=wt.*wt'; end % Define 4-point quadrature data once, on first call (if needed). % Gaussian weights and absissas to integrate 7th degree polynomials exactly. global GQ4; if (isempty(GQ4)) % Define 4-point quadrature data once, on first call. Aq=[-.861136311594053,-.339981043584856,.339981043584856, .861136311594053]; %Abs Hq=[ .347854845137454, .652145154862546,.652145154862546, .347854845137454]; %Wts GQ4.size=16; GQ4.xa=[Aq;Aq;Aq;Aq]; GQ4.ya=GQ4.xa'; wt=[Hq;Hq;Hq;Hq]; GQ4.wt=wt.*wt'; % 4x4 end % Define 5-point quadrature data once, on first call (if needed). % Gaussian weights and absissas to integrate 9th degree polynomials exactly. global GQ5; if (isempty(GQ5)) % Has 5-point quadrature data been defined? If not, define arguments & weights. Aq=[-.906179845938664,-.538469310105683, .0, .538469310105683, .906179845938664]; Hq=[ .236926885056189, .478628670499366, .568888888888889, .478628670499366, .236926885056189]; GQ5.size=25; GQ5.xa=[Aq;Aq;Aq;Aq;Aq]; GQ5.ya=GQ5.xa'; wt=[Hq;Hq;Hq;Hq;Hq]; GQ5.wt=wt.*wt'; % 5x5 end % -------------- end fixed data ------------------------ NumEl=size(Elcon,2); % Number of elements [NumNy,NumNx]=size(Xgrid); NumNod=NumNy*NumNx; % Number of nodes MxVDof=nd*NumNod; % Max number velocity DOFs MxPDof=np*NumNod; % Max number pressure DOFs % We can use the same nodal connectivities (Elcon) for pressure elements, % but need new pointers from nodes to pressure DOFs nn2nftp=zeros(2,NumNod); % node number -> pressure nf & nt nf=-np+1; nt=1; for n=1:NumNod nf=nf+np; % all nodes have 3 dofs nn2nftp(:,n)=[nf;nt]; % dof number & type (all nodes type 1) end; % Allocate space for pressure matrix, velocity data pMat = spalloc(MxPDof,MxPDof,30*MxPDof); % allocate P mass matrix Vdata = zeros(MxPDof,1); % allocate for velocity data (RHS) Qp=zeros(MxPDof,1); % Nodal pressure DOFs % Begin essential boundary conditions, allocate space MaxPBC = 1; EBCp.Mxdof=MxPDof; % Essential boundary condition for pressure EBCp.dof = nn2nftp(1,EBCPr.nodn(1)); % Degree-of-freedom index EBCp.val = EBCPr.val; % Pressure Dof value % partion out essential (Dirichlet) dofs p_vec = [1:EBCp.Mxdof]'; % List of all dofs EBCp.p_vec_undo = zeros(1,EBCp.Mxdof); % form a list of non-diri dofs EBCp.ndro = p_vec(~ismember(p_vec, EBCp.dof)); % list of non-diri dofs % calculate p_vec_undo to restore Q to the original dof ordering EBCp.p_vec_undo([EBCp.ndro;EBCp.dof]) = [1:EBCp.Mxdof]; %p_vec'; Qp(EBCp.dof(1))=EBCp.val(1); Vdof = zeros(nd,nnd); % Nodal velocity DOFs Xe = zeros(2,nnd); % BEGIN GLOBAL MATRIX ASSEMBLY for ne=1:NumEl for k=1:4 ki=NodNdx(:,Elcon(k,ne)); Xe(:,k)=[Xgrid(ki(2),ki(1));Ygrid(ki(2),ki(1))]; end % Get stream function and velocities for n=1:nnd Vdof(ND,n)=Q((nn2nft(1,Elcon(n,ne))-1)+ND); % Loop over local nodes of element end [pMmat,Rndx,Cndx] = pMassMat(Xe,Elcon(:,ne),nn2nftp); % Pressure "mass" matrix pMat=pMat+sparse(Rndx,Cndx,pMmat,MxPDof,MxPDof); % Global mass assembly [CDat,RRndx] = PCDat(Xe,Elcon(:,ne),nn2nftp,Vdof); % Convective data term Vdata([RRndx]) = Vdata([RRndx])-CDat(:); [DDat,RRndx] = PDDatL(Xe,Elcon(:,ne),nn2nftp,Vdof); % Diffusive data term Vdata([RRndx]) = Vdata([RRndx]) + nu*DDat(:); % +nu*DDat; end; % Loop ne % END GLOBAL MATRIX ASSEMBLY Vdatap=Vdata(EBCp.ndro)-pMat(EBCp.ndro,EBCp.dof)*EBCp.val; pMatr=pMat(EBCp.ndro,EBCp.ndro); Qs=Qp(EBCp.ndro); % Non-Dirichlet (active) dofs Pr=ilu_gmres_with_EBC(pMatr,Vdatap,[],GMRES,Qs,DropTol); Qp=[Pr;EBCp.val]; % Augment active dofs with esential (Dirichlet) dofs Qp=Qp(EBCp.p_vec_undo); % Restore natural order Qp=reshape(Qp,np,NumNod); P= reshape(Qp(1,:),NumNy,NumNx); Px=reshape(Qp(2,:),NumNy,NumNx); Py=reshape(Qp(3,:),NumNy,NumNx); return; % >>>>>>>>>>>>> End pressure recovery <<<<<<<<<<<<< % -------------------- function pMassMat ---------------------------- function [MM,Rndx,Cndx]=pMassMat(Xe,Elcon,nn2nftp) % Simple cubic gradient element "mass" matrix % -------------- Constants and fixed data ----------------- global GQ4; xa=GQ4.xa; ya=GQ4.ya; wt=GQ4.wt; Nq=GQ4.size; nn=[-1 -1; 1 -1; 1 1; -1 1]; % defines local nodal order nnd=4; np=3; np4=nnd*np; NP=1:np; % global ZG3412pm; if (isempty(ZG3412pm)|size(ZG3412pm,2)~=Nq) % Evaluate and save/cache the set of shape functions at quadrature pts. ZG3412pm=cell(nnd,Nq); for k=1:Nq for m=1:nnd ZG3412pm{m,k}=Gr(nn(m,:),xa(k),ya(k)); end end end % if(isempty(*)) % --------------------- end fixed data ----------------- TGi=cell(nnd); for m=1:nnd % Loop over corner nodes J=(Xe*GBL(nn(:,:),nn(m,1),nn(m,2)))'; % GBL is gradient of bilinear function TGi{m} = blkdiag(1,J); end % Loop m MM=zeros(np4,np4); G=zeros(2,np4); % Preallocate arrays for k=1:Nq % Initialize functions and derivatives at the quadrature point (xa,ya). J=(Xe*GBL(nn(:,:),xa(k),ya(k)))'; % transpose of Jacobian J at (xa,ya) Det=J(1,1)*J(2,2)-J(1,2)*J(2,1); % Determinant of J Ji=[J(2,2),-J(1,2); -J(2,1),J(1,1)]/Det; % inverse of J mm = 0; for m=1:nnd G(:,mm+NP) = Ji*ZG3412pm{m,k}*TGi{m}; mm = mm+np; end % loop m MM = MM + G'*G*(wt(k)*Det); end % end loop k (quadrature pts) gf=zeros(np4,1); % array of global freedoms m=0; for n=1:4 % Loop over element nodes gf(m+NP)=(nn2nftp(1,Elcon(n))-1)+NP; % Get global freedoms m=m+np; end Rndx=repmat(gf,1,np4); % Row indices Cndx=Rndx'; % Column indices MM = reshape(MM,1,np4*np4); Rndx=reshape(Rndx,1,np4*np4); Cndx=reshape(Cndx,1,np4*np4); return; % --------------------- funnction PCDat ----------------------- function [PC,Rndx]=PCDat(Xe,Elcon,nn2nftp,Vdof) % Evaluate convective force data % ----------- Constants and fixed data --------------- global GQ5; xa=GQ5.xa; ya=GQ5.ya; wt=GQ5.wt; Nq=GQ5.size; nn=[-1 -1; 1 -1; 1 1; -1 1]; % defines local nodal order nnd=4; % number of nodes np = 3; np4=4*np; NP=1:np; nd = 3; nd4=4*nd; ND=1:nd; % global ZS3412pc; global ZSX3412pc; global ZSY3412pc; global ZG3412pc; if (isempty(ZS3412pc)|size(ZS3412pc,2)~=Nq) % Evaluate and save/cache the set of shape functions at quadrature pts. ZS3412pc=cell(nnd,Nq); ZSX3412pc=cell(nnd,Nq); ZSY3412pc=cell(nnd,Nq); ZG3412pc=cell(nnd,Nq); for k=1:Nq for m=1:nnd ZS3412pc{m,k} =Sr(nn(m,:),xa(k),ya(k)); ZSX3412pc{m,k}=Sxr(nn(m,:),xa(k),ya(k)); ZSY3412pc{m,k}=Syr(nn(m,:),xa(k),ya(k)); ZG3412pc{m,k}=Gr(nn(m,:),xa(k),ya(k)); end % loop m over nodes end % loop k over Nq end % if(isempty(*)) % ----------------- end fixed data ------------------ Ti=cell(nnd); TGi=cell(nnd); for m=1:nnd % Loop over corner nodes J=(Xe*GBL(nn(:,:),nn(m,1),nn(m,2)))'; % Jacobian at (xa,ya) Det=J(1,1)*J(2,2)-J(1,2)*J(2,1); % Determinant of J & Jt JiD=[J(2,2),-J(1,2); -J(2,1),J(1,1)]; % inv(J)*det(J) Ti{m} = blkdiag(1,JiD'); TGi{m} = blkdiag(1,J); end % Loop m over corner nodes PC=zeros(np4,1); S=zeros(2,nd4); Sx=zeros(2,nd4); Sy=zeros(2,nd4); G=zeros(2,np4); for k=1:Nq % Loop over quadrature points J=(Xe*GBL(nn(:,:),xa(k),ya(k)))'; % Jacobian at (xa,ya) Det=J(1,1)*J(2,2)-J(1,2)*J(2,1); % Determinant of J & Jt Jtbd=(J/Det)'; % transpose(J/D) JiD=[J(2,2),-J(1,2); -J(2,1),J(1,1)]; % inv(J)*det(J) Ji=JiD/Det; % inverse(J) for m=1:4 % Loop over element nodes mm=nd*(m-1); S(:,mm+ND) =Jtbd*ZS3412pc{m,k}*Ti{m}; Sx(:,mm+ND)=Jtbd*(Ji(1,1)*ZSX3412pc{m,k}+Ji(1,2)*ZSY3412pc{m,k})*Ti{m}; Sy(:,mm+ND)=Jtbd*(Ji(2,1)*ZSX3412pc{m,k}+Ji(2,2)*ZSY3412pc{m,k})*Ti{m}; mm=np*(m-1); G(:,mm+NP)=Ji*ZG3412pc{m,k}*TGi{m}; end % end loop over element nodes % Compute the fluid velocities at the quadrature point. U = S*Vdof(:); Ux = Sx*Vdof(:); Uy = Sy*Vdof(:); UgU = U(1)*Ux+U(2)*Uy; % U dot grad U PC = PC + G'*UgU*(wt(k)*Det); end % end loop over Nq quadrature points gf=zeros(1,np4); % array of global freedoms m=0; for n=1:4 % Loop over element nodes gf(m+NP)=(nn2nftp(1,Elcon(n))-1)+NP; % Get global freedoms m=m+np; end Rndx=gf; PC = reshape(PC,1,np4); return; % ----------------- function PDDatL ------------------------- function [PD,Rndx]=PDDatL(Xe,Elcon,nn2nftp,Vdof) % Evaluate diffusive force data (Laplacian form) % --------------- Constants and fixed data ------------------- global GQ3; xa=GQ3.xa; ya=GQ3.ya; wt=GQ3.wt; Nq=GQ3.size; nnd=4; % number of nodes nn=[-1 -1; 1 -1; 1 1; -1 1]; % defines local nodal order np = 3; npdf=nnd*np; NP=1:np; nd = 3; nd4=nnd*nd; ND=1:nd; global ZSXX3412pd; global ZSXY3412pd; global ZSYY3412pd; global ZG3412pd; if (isempty(ZSXX3412pd)|size(ZSXX3412pd,2)~=Nq) % Evaluate and save/cache the set of shape functions at quadrature pts. ZSXX3412pd=cell(nnd,Nq); ZSXY3412pd=cell(nnd,Nq); ZSYY3412pd=cell(nnd,Nq); ZG3412pd=cell(nnd,Nq); global ZSYY3412pd; for k=1:Nq for m=1:nnd ZSXX3412pd{m,k}=Sxxr(nn(m,:),xa(k),ya(k)); ZSXY3412pd{m,k}=Sxyr(nn(m,:),xa(k),ya(k)); ZSYY3412pd{m,k}=Syyr(nn(m,:),xa(k),ya(k)); ZG3412pd{m,k}=Gr(nn(m,:),xa(k),ya(k)); end % loop m over nodes end % loop k over Nq end % if(isempty(*)) % ------------ end fixed data ------------------- % Ti=cell(nnd); TGi=cell(nnd); for m=1:nnd % Loop over corner nodes J=(Xe*GBL(nn(:,:),nn(m,1),nn(m,2)))'; % Jacobian at (xa,ya) Det=J(1,1)*J(2,2)-J(1,2)*J(2,1); % Determinant of J & Jt JiD=[J(2,2),-J(1,2); -J(2,1),J(1,1)]; % inv(J)*det(J) Ti{m} = blkdiag(1,JiD'); TGi{m} = blkdiag(1,J); end % Loop m over corner nodes PD=zeros(npdf,1); Sxx=zeros(2,nd4); Syy=zeros(2,nd4); G=zeros(2,npdf); for k=1:Nq % Loop over quadrature points Jt=(Xe*GBL(nn(:,:),xa(k),ya(k))); % transpose of Jacobian at (xa,ya) Det=Jt(1,1)*Jt(2,2)-Jt(1,2)*Jt(2,1); % Determinant of Jt & J Jtd=Jt/Det; JiD=[Jt(2,2),-Jt(1,2); -Jt(2,1),Jt(1,1)]; Ji=JiD/Det; for m=1:nnd % Loop over element nodes mm=nd*(m-1); % This transform is approximate !! Sxx(:,mm+ND)=Jtd*(Ji(1,1)^2*ZSXX3412pd{m,k}+2*Ji(1,1)*Ji(1,2)*ZSXY3412pd{m,k}+Ji(1,2)^2*ZSYY3412pd{m,k})*Ti{m}; Syy(:,mm+ND)=Jtd*(Ji(2,1)^2*ZSXX3412pd{m,k}+2*Ji(2,1)*Ji(2,2)*ZSXY3412pd{m,k}+Ji(2,2)^2*ZSYY3412pd{m,k})*Ti{m}; mm=np*(m-1); G(:,mm+NP) =Ji*ZG3412pd{m,k}*TGi{m}; end % end loop over element nodes LapU = (Sxx+Syy)*Vdof(:); PD = PD+G'*LapU*(wt(k)*Det); end % end loop over quadrature points gf=zeros(1,npdf); % array of global freedoms m=0; K=1:np; for n=1:nnd % Loop over element nodes nfn=nn2nftp(1,Elcon(n))-1; % Get global freedom gf(m+NP)=(nn2nftp(1,Elcon(n))-1)+NP; m=m+np; end Rndx=gf; PD = reshape(PD,1,npdf); return; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function gv=Gr(ni,q,r) %GR Cubic Hermite gradient basis functions for pressure gradient. qi=ni(1); q0=q*ni(1); ri=ni(2); r0=r*ni(2); % Cubic Hermite gradient gv=[1/8*qi*(1+r0)*(r0*(1-r0)+3*(1-q^2)), -1/8*(1+r0)*(1+q0)*(1-3*q0), ... -1/8*qi/ri*(1-r^2)*(1+r0); ... 1/8*ri*(1+q0)*(q0*(1-q0)+3*(1-r^2)), -1/8/qi*ri*(1-q^2)*(1+q0), ... -1/8*(1+q0)*(1+r0)*(1-3*r0)]; return; function gx=Gxr(ni,q,r) %GRX - Cubic Hermite gradient basis functions for pressure gradient. qi=ni(1); q0=q*ni(1); ri=ni(2); r0=r*ni(2); % x-derivative of irrotational vector gx=[-3/4*qi^2*q0*(1+r0), 1/4*qi*(1+r0)*(1+3*q0), 0; ... 1/8*qi*ri*(4-3*q0^2-3*r0^2), -1/8*ri*(1+q0)*(1-3*q0), -1/8*qi*(1+r0)*(1-3*r0)]; return; function gy=Gyr(ni,q,r) %GRY - Cubic Hermite gradient basis functions for pressure gradient. qi=ni(1); q0=q*ni(1); ri=ni(2); r0=r*ni(2); % y-derivative of irrotational vector gy=[1/8*qi*ri*(4-3*q0^2-3*r0^2), -1/8*ri*(1+q0)*(1-3*q0), -1/8*qi*(1+r0)*(1-3*r0); ... -3/4*ri^2*r0*(1+q0), 0, 1/4*ri*(1+q0)*(1+3*r0)]; return; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function S=Sr(ni,q,r) %SR Array of solenoidal basis functions. qi=ni(1); q0=q*ni(1); q1=1+q0; ri=ni(2); r0=r*ni(2); r1=1+r0; % array of solenoidal vectors S=[ .125*ri*q1*(q0*(1-q0)+3*(1-r^2)), .125*q1*r1*(3*r0-1), .125*ri/qi*q1^2*(1-q0); ... -.125*qi*r1*(r0*(1-r0)+3*(1-q^2)), .125*qi/ri*r1^2*(1-r0), .125*q1*r1*(3*q0-1)]; return; function S=Sxr(ni,q,r) %SXR Array of x-derivatives of solenoidal basis functions. qi=ni(1); q0=q*ni(1); q1=1+q0; ri=ni(2); r0=r*ni(2); r1=1+r0; % array of solenoidal vectors S=[.125*qi*ri*(4-3*q^2-3*r^2), .125*qi*r1*(3*r0-1), -.125*ri*q1*(3*q0-1); ... .75*qi^2*r1*q0, 0, .25*qi*r1*(3*q0+1)]; return; function s=Syr(ni,q,r) %SYR Array of y-derivatives of solenoidal basis functions. qi=ni(1); q0=q*ni(1); q1=1+q0; ri=ni(2); r0=r*ni(2); r1=1+r0; % array of solenoidal vectors s=[-.75*ri^2*q1*r0, .25*ri*q1*(3*r0+1), 0 ; ... -.125*qi*ri*(4-3*q^2-3*r^2), .125*qi*r1*(1-3*r0), .125*ri*q1*(3*q0-1)]; return; function s=Sxxr(ni,q,r) %SXXR Array of second x-derivatives of solenoidal basis functions. qi=ni(1); q0=q*ni(1); q1=1+q0; ri=ni(2); r0=r*ni(2); r1=1+r0; % array of solenoidal vectors s=[-3/4*qi^2*ri*q0, 0, -1/4*ri*qi*(1+3*q0); 3/4*qi^3*r1, 0, 3/4*qi^2*r1 ]; return; function s=Syyr(ni,q,r) %SYYR Array of second y-derivatives of solenoidal basis functions. qi=ni(1); q0=q*ni(1); q1=1+q0; ri=ni(2); r0=r*ni(2); r1=1+r0; % array of solenoidal vectors s=[-3/4*ri^3*q1, 3/4*ri^2*q1, 0; 3/4*qi*ri^2*r0, -1/4*qi*ri*(1+3*r0), 0 ]; return; function s=Sxyr(ni,q,r) %SXYR Array of second (cross) xy-derivatives of solenoidal basis functions. qi=ni(1); q0=q*ni(1); q1=1+q0; ri=ni(2); r0=r*ni(2); r1=1+r0; % array of solenoidal vectors s=[-3/4*qi*ri^2*r0, 1/4*qi*ri*(1+3*r0), 0; 3/4*qi^2*ri*q0, 0, 1/4*qi*ri*(1+3*q0)]; return; function G=GBL(ni,q,r) % Transposed gradient (derivatives) of scalar bilinear mapping function. % The parameter ni can be a vector of coordinate pairs. G=[.25*ni(:,1).*(1+ni(:,2).*r), .25*ni(:,2).*(1+ni(:,1).*q)]; return;
function Q = ilu_gmres_with_EBC(mat,rhs,EBC,GMRES,Q0,DropTol) % ILU_GMRES_WITH_EBCx Solves matrix equation mat*Q = rhs. % % Solves the matrix equation mat*Q = rhs, optionally constrained % by Dirichlet boundary conditions described in diri_list, using % Matlab's preconditioned gmres sparse solver. When Dirichlet % boundary conditions are provided, the routine enforces them by % reordering to partition out Dirichlet degrees of freedom. % usage: Q = ilu_gmres_with_EBC(mat,rhs,EBC,GMRES,Q0,DropTol) % or: Q = ilu_gmres_with_EBC(mat,rhs,EBC,GMRES,Q0) % or: Q = ilu_gmres_with_EBC(mat,rhs,EBC,GMRES) % or: Q = ilu_gmres_with_EBC(mat,rhs,EBC) % or: Q = ilu_gmres_with_EBC(mat,rhs) % % mat - matrix of linear system to be solved. % rhs - right hand side of linear system. % EBC.dof, EBC.val - (optional) list of Dirichlet boundary % conditions (constraints). May be empty ([]). % GMRES - Structure specifying tolerance, max iterations and % restarts. Use [] for default values. % Q0 - (optional) initial approximation to solution for restart, % may be empty ([]). % DropTol - drop tolerance for luinc preconditioner (default=1e-6). % % The solution Q is reported with the original ordering restored. % % If specified and not empty, diri_list should have two columns % total and one row for each diri degree of freedom. The first % column of each row must contain global index of the degree of % freedom. The second column contains the actual Dirichlet value. % If there are no Dirichlet nodes, omit this parameter if not using % the restart capabilities, or supply empty matrix ([]) as diri_list. % % Nominal values for GMRES for a large difficult problem might be: % GMRES.Tolerance = 1.e-12, % GMRES.MaxIterates = 75, % GMRES.MaxRestarts = 14. % % Jonas Holdeman, revised February, 2009. % Drop tolerance for luinc preconditioner, nominal value - 1.e-6 if (nargin<6 | isempty(DropTol) | DropTol<=0) droptol = 1.e-6; % default else droptol = DropTol; % assigned end if nargin<=3 | isempty(GMRES) Tol = 1.e-12; MaxIter = 75; MaxRstrt = 14; else % Tol=tolerance for residual, increase it if solution takes too long. Tol=GMRES.Tolerance; % MaxIter = maximum number of iterations before restart (MT used 5) MaxIter=GMRES.MaxIterates; % MaxRstrt = maximum number of restarts before giving up (MT used 10) MaxRstrt=GMRES.MaxRestarts; end % check arguments for reasonableness tdof = size(mat,1); % total number of degrees of freedom % good mat is a square tdof by tdof matrix if (size(mat,2)~=size(mat,1) | size(size(mat),2)~=2) error('mat must be a square matrix') end % valid rhs has the dimensions [tdof, 1] if (size(rhs,1)~=tdof | size(rhs,2)~=1) error('rhs must be a column matrix with the same number of rows as mat') end % valid dimensions for optional diri_list if nargin<=2 EBC=[]; elseif ~isempty(EBC) & (size(EBC.val,1)>=tdof ... | size(EBC.dof,1)>=tdof) error('check dimensions of EBC') end % (optional) valid Q0 is empty or has the dimensions [tdof, 1] if nargin<=4 Q0=[]; elseif ~isempty(Q0) & (size(Q0,1)~=tdof | size(rhs,2)~=1) error('Q0 must be a column matrix with the same number of rows as mat') end % handle the case of no Dirichlet dofs separately if isempty(EBC) % skip diri partitioning, solve the system [L,U] = luinc(mat,droptol); % incomplete LU Q = gmres(mat,rhs,MaxIter,Tol,MaxRstrt,L,U,Q0); % GMRES else % Form list of all DOFs p_vec = [1:tdof]'; % partion out diri dofs EBCdofs = EBC.dof(:,1); % list of dofs which are Dirichlet EBCvals = EBC.val(:,1); % Dirichlet dof values % form a list of non-diri dofs ndro = p_vec(~ismember(p_vec, EBCdofs)); % list of non-diri dofs % Move Dirichlet DOFs to right side rhs_reduced = rhs(ndro) - mat(ndro, EBCdofs) * EBCvals; % solve the reduced system (preconditioned gmres) A = mat(ndro,ndro); % Compute incomplete LU preconditioner [L,U] = luinc(A,droptol); % incomplete LU % Remove Dirichlet DOFs from initial estimate if ~isempty(Q0) Q0=Q0(ndro); end % solve the reduced system (preconditioned gmres) Q_reduced = gmres(A,rhs_reduced,MaxIter,Tol,MaxRstrt,L,U,Q0); % insert the Dirichlet values into the solution Q = [Q_reduced; EBCvals]; % calculate p_vec_undo to restore Q to the original dof ordering p_vec_undo = zeros(1,tdof); p_vec_undo([ndro;EBCdofs]) = [1:tdof]; % restore the original ordering Q = Q(p_vec_undo); end
File regrade.m for generating non-uniform mesh spacing.
function y=regrade(x,a,e) %REGRADE grade nodal points in array towards edge or center % % Regrades array of points % % Usage: regrade(x,a,e) % x is array of nodal point coordinates in increasing order. % a is parameter which controls grading. % e selects side or sides for refinement. % % if e=0: refine both sides, 1: refine upper, 2: refine lower. % % if a=1 then return xarray unaltered. % if a<1 then grade towards the edge(s) % if a>1 then grade away from edge. ae=abs(a); n=length(x); y=x; if ae==1 | n<3 | (e~=0 & e~=1 & e~=2) return; end; if e==0 Xmx=max(x); Xmn=min(x); Xc=(Xmx+Xmn)/2; Xl=(Xmx-Xmn)/2; for k=2:(n-1) xk=x(k)-Xc; y(k)=Xc+Xl*sign(xk)*(abs(xk/Xl))^ae; end elseif (e==1 & x(1)<x(n)) | (e==2 & x(1)>x(n)) for k=2:n-1 xk=x(k)-x(1); y(k)=x(1)+(x(n)-x(1))*(abs(xk/(x(n)-x(1))))^ae; end else % (e==2 & x(1)<x(n)) | (e==1 & x(1)>x(n)) for k=2:n-1 xk=x(k)-x(n); y(k)=x(n)+(x(1)-x(n))*(abs(xk/(x(1)-x(n))))^ae; end end return;